Friday, December 19, 2008

Saundra's Final Project

final audio

i could not get the audio to load. even when it was a quicktime.

i had an awesome semester with all of you! thanks for making such cool things.


grace's first it's early stages..not final image

sadly, i lost my first flash drive. so this is the gnomes project in it's earlier stage. it's the only one i have saved on my computer. it is missing the witch in the upper right corner and the phrase "the mood" up in the left corner.

the second project - benches and lovers dialogue

grace's final images

grace's final images

grace's final

Project 3 - Vishal

Saundra's Project 1

Jon Gneezy Final Project

Project 2 - Vishal

Friday, September 26, 2008


To the artists:
This is your space! Use it so show, promote, and document your work. Facilitate discussions and critique each other. This is your own online artists' community. Use it to it's fullest extent, the limitlessness of the web.
